What Should You Take Alongside Whey Protein To Build More Muscle?

By Howe Russ

If you don't know how to build muscle but you'd like to learn the basics, the world of supplements is one area which should be tackled quite early in your fitness journey. That's because learning which supplements to take is an often expensive habit which most people put down to little more than trial and error.

Most folks are able to pick up a whey protein product, but when they look to add other supplements alongside it to increase their results they come unstuck in a sea of misinformation and sales pitches from companies vying for their hard earned money.

Today you are going to discover which products work well alongside whey in a good muscle building diet.

The fitness industry is dominated by hype, like most other areas of consumer driven business. This hype tends to cause mass confusion, with many people trying new products on a monthly basis and not seeing any results. The items on today's list are time-tested, science driven and form the backbone of any serious workout program.

1. A Creatine Monohydrate product.

2. Glutamine.

3. BCAA's.

Creatine is incredibly popular and widely available. Yet despite it's mainstream reputation, few people know what it is actually doing for their body. If you want to build your strength and size this product is particularly useful because it allows you to perform high intensity activities for slightly longer.

While creatine itself won't make you grow bigger or get stronger, the effect it will have on your training sessions will have those results. By increasing your ability to perform explosive movements beyond what your body is capable of on it's own you will unlock previously untapped potential within yourself. This could mean pushing out an extra rep here or two extra sets there. Over time all this extra intensity in the gym begins to pay off in a big way.

However, with so many different blends and formulas of creatine out today it can be just as confusing choosing one as it can be to learn about the effects of the substance in the first place. This may shock you a little bit in a world where new is considered better, but the formula which has by far the most research behind it is the cheapest and oldest form. We are talking about Creatine Monohydrate.

While there are many products out there which claim to help you gain more size and get you pumped up more than ever before, you should also pay particular attention to those which are built upon enhancing your post-workout nutrition. Glutamine is perfect during this recovery phase.

Primarily this is designed to increase your body's immune system and prevent you from falling ill so easily. If you are training hard regularly you will be more at risk of contracting minor colds and flu's so this comes in very handy here. It also increases your body's release of growth hormone, too.

The final item today is Branched Chain Amino Acids. There are over twenty in total and your body will use these to create more lean tissue during the recovery phase following a tough session with your barbell. While you will get a good serving in your whey protein, science suggests that results can be improved drastically by taking a branched chain amino acid product on top.

For most people the gym is the easy part and they find the scientific nutritional information far more difficult to navigate through. If this was previously you, you're now in a far more comfortable position from which to decide which supplements to take in order to build a more muscular body.

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