What To Know About The HCG Diet

By Andrea Davidson

The diet that involves hCG administration to combat raging appetites and encourage far burning, coupled together with low calorie intake is the hCG diet. This hCG Texas diet was first created by a Dr. A. T. W. Simeons during the fifties. It all started during his researches where he noticed that those that took the hormone started to lose some weight.

Simeons researched some more on the hormone, with the intention on learning more about its effect on weight loss. It was quite noticeable that the dieter would consume lesser calories. This hormone had to be taken so that extreme hunger, headaches, physical weakness and other side effects would be avoided.

Human chorionic gonadotropin, otherwise known as hCG, is normally produced by pregnant women. It is known to support progesterone production, which is believed to cause the release of store fats within a pregnant body so that it can nourish the fetus. It is more appropriate should the woman be lacking in caloric intake.

Those that follow or seek to follow this diet are given the hormone due to the belief that it burns fat a lot quicker. The plan can allow for a daily intake of just five hundred calories. It originally allowed coffee or unsweetened tea with up to a single tablespoon of milk when it comes to breakfast. Saccharin and stevia, artificial sweeteners, were allowed in the place of sugar.

Meals such as dinner and lunch more or less consisted of low fat poultry or meat with the pre cooked weight of around a hundred grams. Butter or oil was also used in the cooking of it. Snacks were prohibited with the exception of Melba toast, fruit and bread stick, which would normally be eaten together with the meals.

Since its inception, there have been a lot of other variants that have popped up. Despite some differences here and there, it can be very similar. Five hundred calories daily is still the standard and it is still mainly composed of protein and few carbohydrates. Included in a few variations are appetite suppressant injections.

Over a forty day period, the participants will be receiving doses daily. This would be followed by a six week period of rest. This was highly recommended by Simeons who figured that this would be the best course of action to take, his primary reason being the immunity that will be built up after a certain amount of time.

Up to four treatments were necessary. Normally each treatment would be the whole forty day period followed by six weeks of rest. Note that hCG is available by prescription only. It is considered difficult to even find a doctor in certain areas who is willing to subscribe it for weight loss.

The process of hCG Texas dieting is quite effective, although there are a lot of critics as well. One main critique is that is does not help in learning how to eat healthy. The lack of emphasis on exercise is also being targeted, since many consider exercise to be important in handling long term health and fitness.

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