San Jose Thyroid Doctor Helps Get Rid Of That "run Down" Feeling

By Elke Hermann

When you are feeling excessively fatigued and tired, it can be a difficult time in life. You may have no energy and everyday tasks may be too much. Maybe you miss work often and are worn out most of the time. Your problem may be hypothyroidism (under-active thyroid) and a holistic San Jose thyroid doctor can help.

If you believe that your tiredness is hypothyroidism, you could pay a visit to your doctor. Many physicians rely on specific blood tests to see if everything is OK. However, these tests do not always point to hypothyroidism. In fact, you could be given medication or therapy that does not help much with the problem.

Many endocrine system problems are immune related. In other words, the immune system sees one part of the human body as a threat and literally attacks it. If this is the case, the usual therapy involves suppressing the immune system, but this can lead to a host of other health problems.

Once your body's defenses are weakened, symptoms associated with autoimmune disorders may improve greatly. However, a weakened immune system leaves the door open for other invading organisms to enter the body. In some cases, a simple cold can turn into pneumonia.

Many health problems are a result of toxins within the body that make you ill. Some conditions develop slowly inside the digestive system and gradually build up to create illness. In time, waste sits in the digestive tract and can literally rot. This attracts the wrong kind of bacteria and can completely disrupt the natural balance of good bacteria and yeast organisms in your gut.

If your thyroid is under-active your doctor may prescribe medication to stimulate it. However, the reason for the problem may lie elsewhere in the body, and this can make it difficult to get better. With the help of your holistic doctor, these problems are taken care of naturally and effectively, by directing therapy towards the cause of the disorder and not just the symptoms.

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