5 Easy Weight Loss Solutions To Drop Pounds Fast

By Erin Newman

Every day, we see celebrities on tv who have lost a ton of weight almost overnight. We rush out and buy the product hoping to achieve the same results. These ads are designed to make you believe their product is the miracle solution you have been waiting for but, the truth is there is no fast fix for weight loss. In order to lose weight you are going to have to roll up your sleeves and get to work.

Know That You Reach Your Goal

One of the major fundamentals for successful weight loss is belief in yourself.

Belief is as much of a necessity as changing your diet and developing an exercise routine. Without belief, you are sabotaging your efforts before you even begin.

Prior to beginning your weight loss journey, take a minute to find the reason that you want to lose weight and write it down. Then set a goal for how much weight you would like to lose and commit to it. Promise yourself that you will not quit until you accomplish your goal.

There are going to be times when things become really difficult and you feel like quitting. When those moments hit, find stories about other people who have been successful at losing weight to motivate you. Understand and acknowledge that they also had weak moments but to get where they are they had to keep striving and so do you. If you have one bad day don't let it discourage you. Just dust it off and get right back on track.

The longer you stay with the program the easier it will become. This is because you will start to feel better, have more energy and literally begin to watch your body transform before your eyes.

Stay Hydrated

Water is necessary to keep the body functioning properly.

If you drink water through the day, you will not feel hungry as often because it will give you the sensation of being full.

When your body is being properly hydrated, it will alleviate the bloating feeling because it can release the water it has been storing.

You can also utilize water to help you eat less. Having a glass prior to eating a meal will leave less room in your stomach and therefore cause you to eat less food.

Start Working Out

For successful and long term weight loss exercise needs to be a part of the equation. Although losing weight without exercising is possible, you will have better and longer lasting results if you make it a regular part of your program.

If the thought of exercise makes you panic start out with something simple like walking and gradually add in other exercises. The idea is to find what you enjoy and do it.

Working out 5 days a week is ideal but if this seems like too much in the beginning start out with 3 days per week and build from there.

As you become more comfortable with exercise try adding in some high impact aerobics such as Taebo or Zumba.

Adding exercise to your life will do more than just trim your waistline. It will drastically improve your overall health and reduce the likelihood of being afflicted with various ailments to include diabetes and heart disease.

Change How You Eat

A great way to keep your metabolism high and alleviate snacking is to eat 5 or 6 small meals daily.

While eating 5 to 6 times daily has it benefits, be sure to plan your meals carefully so you do not find yourself eating more calories than you should be.

Learning to plan out your meals can be challenging in the beginning. Until you get the hang of prepare your normal 3 meals and cut them in half.

Get Enough Rest

Not getting enough sleep alters the level of ghrelin in the body. When we are not allowing our bodies to get the rest needed to perform properly, it releases ghrelin into our system. Ghrelin is a hormone that regulates appetite. When our bodies are sleep deprived, this hormone increases and causes the desire to eat more.

Ideally, you should be sleeping between 7 and 8 hours each night.

To improve your quality of sleep do not drink caffeine based drinks, workout or eat at least 3 hours before bed time.

Although simple, these tips can have a positive impact on your weight loss.

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