Practical Weight Loss Recommendations For Men Over 40

By Janie Pitts

Weight loss for men over 40 is very important. It is very difficult to lose fat because it is deposited around the midriff and it has the persistence of super glue. If effective steps are not taken it hangs about like an unwanted guest making one less attractive or even repulsive to the opposite sex. As it repels the girls so it attracts unwelcome things like diabetes and heart disease, leading to an early death.

Due to the serious need for males to lose weight there is a rich literature on the subject. In bookshops, clubs and online much advice and many programs offer ways and means. Riffling through all the various options a man will notice that the same suggestions keep coming up. This is useful because it is evident that the most often reiterated remedies must be the important ones that should be applied.

A group of solutions to the problem may be classed as invasive. Surgical techniques such as sewing up the stomach or consuming appetite suppressants fall into this category of strategies. Usually they are expensive and opted for in extreme cases when things have got badly out of control. Common to these strategies is a transfer of responsibility from the individual to someone else.

Men intent on solving their own problem themselves may confront the issue of diet. Knowledge can be obtained from websites and even from labels on food packaging. Even the popular media will advise against junk foods and foods containing fat, sugar and salt. Few people have the excuse of ignorance, especially since it is the most educated who tend to be well fed. The problem is not knowledge but the lack of discipline to break bad habits and eat less.

Exercise is another obvious and much mooted solution. Again the benefits of exercise are fairly obvious. In addition, many men actually enjoy exercise and would be quite happy to exercise all day. However the sad facts are that food has to be placed on the family table and domestic chores need doing. This means that there may simply not be time to engage in the amount of exercise needed by a man who suddenly finds himself middle aged.

From such observations it seems apparent that an effective weight loss program requires the adoption of a suitable lifestyle. As far as diet goes one has to convince oneself that a light salad and fish washed down with water is more tasty than french fries and a pork chop smothered in rich sauce. In respect of exercise one has to put time aside for it. In addition strategies such as running up and own stairs at work.

The solution seems to be half in common sense steps and half in the will power required to implement them. Either half may be neglected and negate the good effects of the other. Mental and physical discipline must be sustained for lengthy periods before the scale reading will begin to drop.

Another strange oddity of human behavior is that the more a person pays for something the greater belief and respect he has for it. Teachers at expensive private schools are treated with great respect but those in completely free schools are complained about and criticized. Similarly if a person invests in an expensive weight loss for men over 40 program he will be more likely to carry it out than he would be if he worked out exactly the same steps for himself without paying a penny.

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