The Effects Of Having Ripped Abs Is More Than Meets The Eye

By Daniel Lewis

In the past century a washboard was basically a ribbed piece of metal that was used for scrubbing clothes clean. When motorized washing machines gained dominance, the washboards began to slowly fade out of use and into antique stores. In this new millennium the washboards are back, but they refer more to the condition of the abs. It may be hard to determine if low riding, hip hugging, open shirt wearing fashion generated the new ripped abs craze, or if the craze has generated a change in the fashion. In any event, it is here, and more than likely it is here to stay.

Ab muscles that are ripped and seem to pop out of the stomach are powerful while being in great shape. Although there can be an over the top pride in having that calorie and alcohol free six pack, there are positive health consequences that will enhance the body long after the will to just look great is gone. Abdomen muscles are a part of what is referred to as the core. They protect the kidneys and other vital organs like the spleen, liver, and the digestive tract.

Not only will they protect vital organs, they will aid in the function of breathing. Exhaling also becomes less strenuous with stronger ab muscles. In addition, they help in the necessary functions of urinating and defecating. For women they can be a vital part of child birthing. When doctors or midwives ask mothers to push, the abs are the muscles being referred to.

There is also a positive correlation between ab strength and the condition of the back. In other words, the stronger the core muscles, the less stress there is on the back. This means a reduced probability of back problems being developed.

Getting ripped abs is not like getting a tan, which nowadays can be sprayed on. A person can not walk into a gym and thirty minutes later come out with the physiological washboard. It takes dedication and hard work. It could also take years to attain, and a regimented approach to maintain once they are achieved.

The initial step is about having a proper diet. Many men and women have fat layers covering their midsections. Attention needs to be given to finding the ideal weight for ones age, height, and activity level. Calorie reduction and eating healthy foods is a change of lifestyle which not only helps in the journey to abs excellence, but also helps one achieve a higher quality of life.

There are many exercises available that can help define abs. One of the more common approaches is jogging. This activity engages the abdominal muscle group while burning calories, leading to weight loss and improved heart rates. Other activities such as yoga and pilates also aid in the development of the six pack.

While a person eats properly and runs when possible, adding exercises that target the abs is a plus. Available are extreme core activities which place focus directly on them. When the ripped abs are finally fully visible, it is certain that the overall health will also be improved. Perhaps there will be yet another person who proudly wears an open shirt or hip huggers.

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